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2008-07-29 10:21:40 来源:艺术家提供作者:赵贵德   

。   在我与他十几年的接触中,给我最突出的感觉是他精神不老,思想不老,艺术不老,这“三不老”是庞邦本的人生准则和信条。他在退休之后跋山涉水登上了青藏高原,去触摸那神秘的佛光、白云、蓝天。这对于一个画家来讲,不单是为了寻找生活,更重要的是为了艺术上的纯洁和神圣去贴近太阳的地方接受灵魂的洗礼。画家走遍青藏高原、天山南北、海角天涯、江南水乡……,精心描绘使他动情的普通老百姓。他真诚的对待人生,对待生活,对待艺术。我很钦佩画家的艺术直觉和他扎实的功底,这绝不仅仅是绘画技巧本身,更明显地体现在画家把自己的人生体味能全部调动起来,去把握和刻画人物内心世界的精神含量,努力创造出一个庞邦本的艺术世界。
  庞邦本住在那个名叫“三不老”的胡同,这绝不是一种巧合,也许这是一个艺术家的人生和艺术归依罢。 (摘自《庞邦本油画选》)
The“Three-Never-Old”Spirit and Pang Bangben
Zhao Guide
  In a bustling section of Xinjiekou Street located in the Xicheng District of Beijing, there is a small street called “Sanbulao Hutong” which in Chinese means “three-never-old lane”. There artist Pang Bangben lives in an old, redbrick building facing south, a sedate, cozy place hidden in a noisy, bustling neighborhood, and a place I am. always happy to visit because Pang’s home like his art contrasts the rich flavors of contemporary, modern life with old-fashioned furniture, combining the Oriental with the Western. And it’s a pleasure to chat with him there because the atmosphere blending perfectly with his appealing intelligence, gives one a happy feeling hard to put in words.
  I now recollect that many years a go I first saw his illustrations – Long I had admired Pang from depths of my heart for his superb for picture-story painting technique.- of international literary classics like the “The I liad”,“Eugenie Grandet”, “Resurrection”,“Jane Eyre”and “The Story of Jesus”, admiring how his brush brought their characters to life,beckoned with their artistry, and stirred with their beauty. In fact, it was in this capacity – Pang Bangben is the most famous picture-story book painter in the country.-that I discovered him.
  In the 1990’s,when I first saw his oil works I was immediately impressed by how clearly they displayed his talent and the artistic skill he had accumulated over many years. In his life’s voyage, every step taken seems to have quivered in his soul. It’s not hard then to imagine the agony he felt during the 20 years he was labeled wrongly as a Rightist. Luckily in the midst of Pang’s adversity, he began to acquire a profound understanding of life as journey, the value of living, and the quest for the human’s right to existence. Perhaps it is precisely this – discovering a new understanding of life – that caused him to work with all his might regardless of difficulties and hardships . Perhaps. it was precisely this that provided renewal for his artistic career.
  After retiring. Pang made a long journey to the Qinghai- Tibet Plateau to appreciate its white clouds and blue sky and try to understand Tibetan Buddhism. The journey helped him look for the sources of his creation and purify his soul at the place closest to the sun. In his tours of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, south and north of the Tianshan Mountains, costal areas, and the rivers and lakes of jiangsu, he meticulously portrayed common people, about whom he was enthusiastic.
  When I now enjoy Pang’s Tibetan oils, many thoughts throng in my mind: The Tibetan boy and his younger sister in “Walking Out of a Desert”depict complicated possibly contradictory expressions of elation, amazement and perplexity as they face the outside world. “Auspicious” highlights an old Tibetan glimmering with light in spite of all the apparent hardships epitomized by loss of sight in both eyes. One sees the light in his heart and his longing for nothing but coexistence with the God of the Mountains, to be able to shine forever like the sun and the moon. With sightless eyes wide open,he holds his hands prayerfully, appealing to his destiny to the thought that it might be nothing but a futile effort.
  “New Scarf” depicts a Tibetan girl who has just awoken to new life. like a small flower on a huge prairie, she feels happy wearing the new scarf unconcerned whether her father or mother bartered for it with a sheepskin or it was presented by a Beijing aunt. The giver doesn’t matter only that the girl’s new style of life might now begin through this scarf made of man-made fibers.
  “Jade Bracelet” is a Pang masterpiece. Like a poem or music on the erhu, the painting fixes one of life’s vicissitudes by depicting a story that happened long ago. Under Pang’s brush, the old woman seems to speak directly to you about her betrothal jade bracelet becoming the most valuable memory in her life.As long as she grasps that bracelet her best memory cannot die. Possibly only it in the old woman’s last years can expel her anguish and sad memories. The old woman like every figure in Pang’s paintings has been given the opportunity to wish for a happy life. But like all his paintings, “jade Bracelet” leaves us ample room for further thought.
  Pang treats not only his art but life truly and wholeheartedly. I admire Pang’s artistic intuition and profound basic skills- not just technique – but, more importantly, his outlook on life. Pang is able to mobilize all his creative resources to depict the inner world of his figures in a artistic world that no one can duplicate because it expresses his innermost thoughts and feelings distilled from a half – century of painstakingly pursuing and probing art and life.
  The painter says of himself: “I seek the implications of the profound and let humanity’s artistic appeal color my oils building on my earlier word in picture-story books and illustration to allow greater depth to the figures now depicted.”Combining lifetime experiences and frustrations with artistic probing, this artistic outlook yields his motto:Profound art is full of meaning.
  Pang’s series of oil portraits is like a corridor of a life of art, like a long parade of many kinds of figures from babies who have just learned to speak to weather- beaten old people. Spectators like you and I, like all Pang’s viewers, see the figures depicted in his oils through the figurse’ eyes, their faces, revealing their true feelings, their aspirations and the hardships of a lifetime.The life of each figure is a flame sparked by the painter’s soul, blazing now higher now lower coincident with every step in his voyaege whether flavored with hardships or praise for sunshine and life. It is no coincidence that Pang Bangben lives in ‘Three-Never-Old’ Lane but visible proof of his voyage in life and art.
  Over the 10-odd past years, what impresses me most is Pang’s own ‘three-never-old’ spirit: never old in mentality, never old in ideas and never old in art. This spirit has become not only the creed but the norm of his life.





